The Computer Role-playing Game (CRPG) NeverWorld is based on the popular Pen and paper RPG by ForEverWorld Books Inc. The NeverWorld game will be a True Role-Playing Game that will offer complex gameplay for seasoned veterans and quick-start options for new players. Each game scene will have many different choices each of which will have a direct impact on the story-line and the entire fate of the game world. Players will be able to use all of their characters hundreds of skills. You can earn extra income as a Brewmaster at the local tavern or as a ship builder in the port cities to the South.



NeverWorld, A Lifetime Experience

One of the most interesting races in the game is the Hourani. Players with Hourani character can shape change into natural form, the entire body sprouts light fur, and the nose and teeth become very canine. The ears extend, and the mouth area becomes partially muzzle-like. The body tends to lose its fat cushion and look more muscular in appearance. Hourani gain Strength and Stamina in this form and lose Logic and Avoidance.


NeverWorld - Quick Look

Genre:Fantasy Role-Playing Game / Adventure Game

Target Audience:The large population of both computer and traditional role-players, as well as adventure game fans.

Description:NeverWorld is a game with elements from popular adventure games such as Myst or Riven, combined with strong role-playing elements of a Wizardry or Might and Magic. Players will be able to customize the game to their level of play: Beginner, Gamer, or Elite RPGer. The game is mainly targeted at the large number of role-player that want a more detailed world and a less linear gaming experience.

Compelling Feature:More and more role-playing games are moving to a real-time 3D environment. This has left a void for a game that features excellent pre-rendered art and strong game mechanics to provide a classic role-playing experience. NeverWorld is that game.

Platform:The game is designed to run under Windows 95/98 and will run at a screen resolution 800x600 pixels, with 16-bits of color.

Cost:Contact Dynamic Adventures Inc. for current budget projections.






















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